Hi from ModSupport

ModSupport is a team of Volunteer Senior Moderators from several of our communities whose main job is to support our Community Moderators. We monitor each of our communities several times a day as we are an international group, that means pretty much anytime of day there is one of our team close by. In addition to helping our mods, we also attempt to make sure no bad actors find their way into our communities. We monitor admissions as well as “whats going on.” we are not perfect and we are not professionals but we do care for each of our members.

Hopefully each of you as you join this community will introduce yourself and under your profle scroll down to the bottom and answer a few quick questions so everyone knows a bit about yo not only who yo are caring for (and why) but also a bit about the “other you” As we often say glad you are here and WELCOME, but sorry life circumstances have lead you here.